
18. veebruar 2025


18. veebruar 2025


18. veebruar 2025

Mis kell?

09:15 – 17:00

Mis kell?

09:15 – 17:00

Mis kell?

09:15 – 17:00


Noblessner, Nobeli saal, Tallinn


Noblessner, Nobeli saal, Tallinn


Noblessner, Nobeli saal, Tallinn

Järjekordne Eesti Päevalehe ja Delfi Eesti Energeetika konverents 2025 keskendub energeetika rollile Eestis majanduskasvus ja regiooni turvalisuses. Need on küll aastate jooksul tuttavaks saanud märksõnad, kuid areng, sammud tuleviku suunas ja otsused on jätkuvalt õhus. Otsustamatus ja lõputud kõhklused pisendavad meie konkurentsivõimet ega meelita Eestisse energiamahukaid investeeringuid. Ka kodune ettevõtlus ootab selgust, milliseks kujuneb Eesti energiapoliitika ja kas see arvestab tööstuse tähtsust Eesti majanduse arenemisel. Majanduskriis ja Ukraina sõda peaks olema kui kiirendi meie tuleviku-otsuste tegemisel, aga ometi seda ei ole. Tänavune konverents toimub ajal, mil Eesti on end just lahti ühendanud Venemaa elektrisüsteemist ja me saame teha vahekokkuvõtte selle sammu õnnestumisest, aga ka tähendusest. Just neil teemadel räägivad Eesti Päevalehe ja Delfi energeetika konverentsil Eesti energeetika otsustajad, ettevõtjad, investorid ja poliitikud. Otsime koos lahendusi, selgust ja ka otsustamisjulgust, kohtumiseni 18. veebruaril!



09:00 AM

09:00 AM

09:00 AM – 09:45 AM

Kickoff & Coffee Connect

Check-in and start your day with a morning coffee while connecting with fellow attendees. Meet new faces and get ready for an exciting day ahead.

09:00 AM – 09:45 AM

Kickoff & Coffee Connect

Check-in and start your day with a morning coffee while connecting with fellow attendees. Meet new faces and get ready for an exciting day ahead.

09:45 AM

09:45 AM

09:45 AM – 11:00 AM

The Future of Technology

Keynote that delves into the latest emerging tech trends and groundbreaking innovations. Discover how these advancements are shaping the future of the industry.

09:45 AM – 11:00 AM

The Future of Technology

Keynote that delves into the latest emerging tech trends and groundbreaking innovations. Discover how these advancements are shaping the future of the industry.

11:00 AM

11:00 AM

11:00 AM – 12:20 PM

Navigating Digital Transformation

Learn about the challenges and opportunities in digital transformation within the cloud computing industry, and discover how cloud solutions are driving innovation.

11:00 AM – 12:20 PM

Navigating Digital Transformation

Learn about the challenges and opportunities in digital transformation within the cloud computing industry, and discover how cloud solutions are driving innovation.

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Building a Secure Future. Advances in Cybersecurity

Understand the latest threats and discover cutting-edge strategies and technologies to protect your data, networks, and systems in an increasingly digital world.

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Building a Secure Future. Advances in Cybersecurity

Understand the latest threats and discover cutting-edge strategies and technologies to protect your data, networks, and systems in an increasingly digital world.

11:00 PM – 12:00 PM

Leveraging Advanced Analytics for Growth

Learn about advanced analytical techniques, machine learning models, and big data solutions that are transforming how businesses make decisions.

11:00 PM – 12:00 PM

Leveraging Advanced Analytics for Growth

Learn about advanced analytical techniques, machine learning models, and big data solutions that are transforming how businesses make decisions.

12:20 PM

12:20 PM

12:20 PM – 01:20 PM

Enjoy a Delicious Lunch While Networking

Enjoy a lunch. This is your chance to make valuable connections, exchange ideas, and enhance your professional network in a relaxed, informal setting.

12:20 PM – 01:20 PM

Enjoy a Delicious Lunch While Networking

Enjoy a lunch. This is your chance to make valuable connections, exchange ideas, and enhance your professional network in a relaxed, informal setting.

01:20 PM

01:20 PM

01:20 PM – 03:20 PM

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business

Discover how emerging technologies are revolutionizing industries by transforming traditional practices, driving innovation, and creating new opportunities.

01:20 PM – 03:20 PM

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business

Discover how emerging technologies are revolutionizing industries by transforming traditional practices, driving innovation, and creating new opportunities.

01:20 PM – 03:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence. The Next Frontier

Delve into AI applications, from automation and predictive analytics to advanced robotics and ethical considerations, and see how AI is reshaping the future.

01:20 PM – 03:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence. The Next Frontier

Delve into AI applications, from automation and predictive analytics to advanced robotics and ethical considerations, and see how AI is reshaping the future.

03:45 PM

03:45 PM

03:45 PM – 04:45 PM

Revolutionizing Transactions

Understand how blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries beyond cryptocurrency. Explore its applications in enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency.

03:45 PM – 04:45 PM

Revolutionizing Transactions

Understand how blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries beyond cryptocurrency. Explore its applications in enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency.

03:45 PM – 04:35 PM

Exploring the Impact of IoT on Innovations

Discover the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Learn how interconnected devices are creating smarter environments and optimizing operations.

03:45 PM – 04:35 PM

Exploring the Impact of IoT on Innovations

Discover the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. Learn how interconnected devices are creating smarter environments and optimizing operations.

04:45 PM

04:45 PM

04:45 PM – 05:00 PM

Reflecting on Highlights and Looking Ahead

Join us as we recap the day’s key moments, celebrate the highlights, and share exciting plans for the future. It's the perfect conclusion to an inspiring event.

04:45 PM – 05:00 PM

Reflecting on Highlights and Looking Ahead

Join us as we recap the day’s key moments, celebrate the highlights, and share exciting plans for the future. It's the perfect conclusion to an inspiring event.



John Anderson

Cloud Computing Architect

John Anderson

Cloud Computing Architect

John Anderson

Cloud Computing Architect

Emily Davis

Cybersecurity Specialist

Emily Davis

Cybersecurity Specialist

Emily Davis

Cybersecurity Specialist

Sophia Chen

Data Scientist

Sophia Chen

Data Scientist

Sophia Chen

Data Scientist

David Kim

Blockchain Expert

David Kim

Blockchain Expert

David Kim

Blockchain Expert

Lisa Brown

IoT Solutions Architect

Lisa Brown

IoT Solutions Architect

Lisa Brown

IoT Solutions Architect

Raj Patel

AI Researcher

Raj Patel

AI Researcher

Raj Patel

AI Researcher






57 €



Delfi Digipaketti




Osta pilet arvega


konverents 2025

Ade Piht


Lea Seema


Ready to Be Part of It?

Ready to Be Part of It?